Below are a list of the most frequently asked questions in regards to service with us:
How much do you charge for Lawn Maintenance?
A: Our prices vary depending on size and work needing to be done to your lawn. Our Lawn Maintenance Service includes: Mow, Edge, Weedeat, and Blow. Free estimates are provided for other services upon request.
Can our Lawn be mowed today?
A: We provide you with an estimate on the day you call us or no later than three days after. Upon your approval of the estimate provided, we then schedule you based on the day we are set to service your area, as we have a scheduled route for every day of the week we service.
Do we need to be home for an estimate or service?
A: For this there are two answers, for the most part no we go to your home and the estimator will then send the info back to our office and we then email you the estimate. For services no we service your lawn on the scheduled date and contact you if there is any issue. For the second answer, if what you are requesting requires more detail or pointing out of certain things, then yes we would like for someone who is aware of what is being asked be present, but it is never required.
How do we pay for services?
A: At the time of the estimate or the service. Payment or deposit is accepted in cash, check, PayPal, or credit/debit card.
Make checks payable to J.R.'s Lawn Service. Continuous Lawn Maintenance customers are sent an invoice at the end of the month by either mail or e-mail.
What is the purpose of a deposit?
A: The deposit is required to have services scheduled and to be charged at the end of the month. We send an invoice for the charges of that particular month and if you decide to discontinue your services with us, then the deposit is then applied to the final bill. There is no contract to sign and you can cancel at any time for any reason.
When are payments due when the invoice is received?
A: Lawn Maintenance customers are Invoiced monthly on the last day of that corresponding month for services provided. Payments are then due on the 15th of the following month. A 10% late fee charge may be applied to any and all late payments.
What if it rains on the day that my Lawn is scheduled?
A: If weather permits, we would then attempt to have it serviced the following day or up to 3 days after. After the third day we would skip the service and just do it on the next regularly scheduled day. At times if we are aware of inclement weather we may even schedule your service before then.
Can I cancel, skip, or change my services?
A: Yes you can, all we ask is for you to give us at least 1 day of notice so that we may adjust our route/schedule accordingly.
How much does it cost to have our beds cleaned and mulched?
A: Prices vary, depending on how much cleaning is required, the size of the area, and also what type of mulch you are looking to use. Free emailed estimates are provided upon request.
How often would my lawn be serviced?
A: The scheduled Lawn Maintenance may change due to lawn growth, weather, and holidays. Customers may call or email us at least 1 day in advance for any change needed. Our current Lawn maintenance schedule is listed in our Lawn Maintenance Schedule page on this website